Yay for me!

Mar 29, 2006 11:16

My keyboard is still busted so excuse typos! Today Tim and I have been a couple for ten years, TEN Years! Time sho do fly. I Can't believe a third of my life I have known him. We discussed it and I realized it's because childhood seems to go on forever...elementary school itself is so vivid with tons of memories you remember every teacher and so many moments. Then as you get older, and you have the same routine day by day,time just races.

So today we will celebrate! How, you ask? Well first we are going to get our taxes done. Following that Tim has a dentist appointment (he not being a wuss like me). Then we have to go to the bank and straighten out some crap there. Finally we really will celebrate by going to Scalini Fedeli in Chatam tonight (which I hear is really nice...so I'm excited)---Anyone know of it?

All that and a new Lost that looks really good!

I just pray my stomach does not act up so that I can get everything done today.

warm and fuzzies

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