Boredy bordey bored.

Aug 04, 2006 12:23

1.  Chocolate, vanilla or Strawberry?

Strawberry (covered with chocolate)

2.  What was your favorite toy as a child?

I’m gonna say fashion plates but I also loved my Holly hobbie oven (but unforch  mom only let me play with it once)

3.  What was your favorite Barbie?

Day to night Barbie - I loved the fact that you could change her clothes from office to glam-I was always up for a makeover I guess!

4.  If you could go back in time what advice would you want to give yourself (what age?)

I would go back to 8 and tell myself to tell my parents to leave me alone and not put me on a diet I am only friggin 8! A kid should not be made crazy about their weight.  Also I would like to tell myself that  I should not let my parents put me and my brother in the middle of their divorce…(perhaps I could bring some Dr. Phil books with me to give to them)

5..What is your favorite indulgence? 
Makeup in general I definitely splurge more than I      should.  But also facials and cookies!

6.  If there was a TV show about your life

A)What type of show would it be?Sitcom/Musical

B) What would the title be?Smell This!

C)What would be the Theme song? A Nanny style song with lyrics like:
Everybody smells,yes they do! 
Everybody smells including you. 
She's smelly, she's stinky,she's flirty, she's funny.  
She wont do as you please unless you offer her money! 
You'll love to hate her and hate to love her! 
She'll give you a smile when insulting your mother.
She's charming,disarming with oh so much flair 
she will perform a whole concert with nobody there ....etc.

7.  If you could be an animal, any kind of animal, what kind of animal would you be?

I think I would be a French poodle -I would get primped and pampered and spoiled

8.  When do you think you looked your best?

On my wedding day -also on my honeymoon (not one breakout!)

9.  Where would you like to take your next vacation? Disney-more specifically a concierge room at the Grand Floridian for at least 9 days (too expensive though L )

10. Do you have a reoccurring dream? (If yes what?)

I always dream that I am back at Stagedoor Manor performing arts camp auditioning to be a lead in a show.

11. What was your favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon?

The Smurfs but also the Flip Side Which no one ever remembers!

12. Pee Wee-Pervert or genius?

Le Supreme Genius!

13. What is you biggest irrational fear?

Of Kerry’s cat leaping out at me!

14. Who is your favorite super hero and why?

Spiderman I like those movies the best out of all the franchises, I used to watch Spiderman and friends, He is a good upside-down kisser etc…

15. Who is your favorite villain and why?

Hard to pick a favorite but hmm…Catwoman I like her complexity that she is sexy and not just one dimensionally bad.

16. If the answer to 14 went up against 15 what would occur?

Catwoman would catch Spiderman and she would toss him in her paws and be fascinated      he would take advantage of this and try to escape they would fight then have freaky on the ceiling sex, and them team up to destroy Bill O’Reilly

17. What funny family story is told over and over again about you?

How my mom was a super-neurotic clean freak and used to let my brother only play with one toy at a time…then I came along and would empty out my toy box hide inside and jump out and yell “Ta Dah!”--there's probably a better one but I can't think of any righ now.

18. What is your favorite food?

It Changes all the time but Croissants!

19.What is your favorite restaurant?

I really like Napa Valley Grille for in the neighborhood choices but I lerve the Ryland Inn it is super amazing!

20. If you won the lottery what is the first thing you would do?

I would buy a Brand new House with the biggest Master bedroom suite and a big  Jacuzzi-style soaking tub.


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