I love a bargain, as some of you may know.
So I spent about $500 in 2 days - most of it on anime boxsets (whoa.. buying anime?!) from Madman's $10 a disc sale. Great idea, poorly executed best sums up the experience! I won't go into more detail, if you really want to know how people felt, read
The rest of that $500 was on 3 albums I picked up from JB:
Dresden Dolls - Dresden Dolls
Audioslave - Audioslave
Thirsty Merc - Thirsty Merc
Hmm do I detect a pattern here? d= Why yes, it's all debut albums! With very clever titles too I must say. *smirk*
Cochise on Audioslave sounded eerily familiar when I played it. Working on a hunch I scrolled through my list of soundtracks, picked a song and ah-ha! Hint: BECK animation soundtrack (a chocolate bar for whoever can tell me which song). Anyway Audioslave is pretty cool =D Haven't had a good listen to other two yet.
Stuff I bought:
(Season 1)
(Uncut, Eps 1-21)
Total: $400.00