Comment to be added

Nov 22, 2020 00:29


My name is Fernanda, I'm 27 28 29 years old and live in Brazil.
I'm totally devoted to Jared Padalecki and a Sam girl till the bitter end.

  I love my LJ world. I love my Lj friends. Everyone is special to me and I have a great diversity of friends in here.

If I don't comment to much on your entries is probably because of my lack of time, sorry. But sometimes you may write something that I don't have nothing to say about, don't be sad, please! Also don't feel the obligation to comment on every post I make.

I don't read fics (blame the lack of time again). I don't like wincest. Some of my friends do. I don't care and still love them anyway, I just don't watch vids or comment about them.

I don't do Wincest but I think J2 is sexy. I play with it (you understand this 'play' the way your mind let you).

I think there's life outside SPN! Wow!! I also like LOST, Grey's anatomy, CSI, Heroes, True blood...

I write about rl and a lot of stuff besides SPN and Jared.

And, pleeeaaase! If I ever say something that may offend you, let me know! Sometimes I can be stupid (hormones, you know), If I do something wrong tell me please!

Sorry if I scared you! I don't bite, I promise!


me, friends

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