one more xDD

Nov 15, 2006 22:17

well well well.

I just listend to the new DIR EN GREY song....

everyone knows Diru want to be more "international" with their music...
I think that's their first big faut.
Musicians should remain true to onself's musicstyle otherwise they become strange and hypocrists in my eyes.

The best example Dir en grey.
Normally I like their music. It's not the best but they had a clear, lovely and indivdual style.It was and is always a pleasure for me to listen to their works till VULGAR. Withering to death was nice, some songs were awesome, but thats it. Clever slezoid was okay, the music was interesting and the text...well it was acceptable^^ the 2 japanese lines were good and you could interprete a lot.

But what the hell is this????

the first 20 secondes I listend to the trailer at youtube were okay. I knew I wouldn't like it as much as clever sleazoid but it sounded okay. Now I got to listen to the full song (I orderd my copy long time editon, I'm regret buying it >___> will get it in the end of this month perhaps).
I was shocked.
The beginning was still okay, the guitare part sounds okay as well as the drum. It was okay.
But as soon as Kyo starts to sing... i got disappointed.
Khat's not kyo. Somewhere he has a nice voice, a unique voice. But this style of singing doesn't suit him. It's too much grwoling. Tooo much. *shakes head*

Then I got to read the lyrics at barks...

I really don't have any words for this crime.
In the past Kyo worte lyrics with a special touch. It was unique. Really unique. Some of the textes were poetic and sounded friggin' nice. But what's that?

"I'll rape your daughter on your grave"??
And this 6 times???!!!

It's more than low...
they sound like copycats of common metal-rock bands. *shakes head*

I really don't have words for describing my disappointment.
As I wrote, I regret buying the limited edition. Shit happens.

I hope Dir en grey don't end like any "bad" bands in hell...

I fear the next album of them, really I do ^^.

your thoughts?



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