Apr 02, 2007 11:17
I've been dreaming of living by myself for quite a while now... Yet I cant bring myself to really do it. I currently live in a hostel- like environment with revolving guest. Guests, I could really care less for...but who arent that much trouble, expect the fact they are in my space. My house right now isnt cute enough, and i've been having a hard time finding a place that is cute enough, and cheap enough to afford (just in case, i quit my job). It's tough, Joshua really enjoys living with me and having a room together...but outside of my room- i hate the way the whole house looks and i hate being outside of my room! And if i start to really invest time ( and furniture, housewares) into this house....i am totally terrified that things are going to a. break my fucking cups/dishes b. spill shit on my cute furniture c.leave crusty food in cute dishes. But I guess- i'll have to do it anyways. I'm moving out....soon.