May 23, 2022 13:47
Piles of Sticks around the sports Arena
Willem and I have spent the whole morning picking up sticks around the sports Arena and taking them as well as sticks on the roads to the leaf dump area.
It certainly is tiring doing this. However, we took lunch and Willem had a little nap and
I uprighted the screen tent. First I took off the top and the screen from the frame.
From the looks of it before, it had bent out of shape, but when I tied one leg to a post, and pulled the rest of it, it all went back perfectly into shape.
I think that is quite a miracle. I was feeling a bit discouraged about having spent hundreds of dollars on it. And now it was a shambles.
I hadn’t put the stakes in, because I was too tired after all the work we did here that day.
I can only work on these things in my spare time.
Not that we do a lot of work, but we use ourselves up completely.
What an amazing Miracle and surprise when I put the whole screen frame back up and there was not a bend in it anywhere! I’m sure I had looked at it and seen pipes that were actually bent sideways.
So this is the parable of the screen tent. First thing, you must anchor it in before the storm, but the second thing is, that the Lord is blessing us because we’re his missionaries, working for Him.
Putting the pegs in may not have helped, because the wind that we got Here was enough to rip everything, including trees in half. It was quite the storm.
On the way up here, on buckshot Lake Road, it was incredibly riddled with branches and trees.
At one point, we passed seven Hydro trucks coming our direction. Two or three of the vehicles were cube trucks, probably filled with chainsaws for all the workers in the trucks.
We still don’t have power at the camp, but we stayed warm last night, In spite of it being 4°C
service missionary,
senior missionaries,
healthy body