I'm spending the day doing the hospital pre op in Ottawa for my right hip.
We stopped for snacks on the way.
We left for the hospital and arrived an hour early. They took me after a wait. There were long waits for the appointments. Four hours to do this part of the pre op.
It's quite a big process. I'm impressed how organized they are!
Start at PAU clinic. They give me
Go to admitting and register for my room. I didn't really want to be in a private room. I like people. It felt like being at the travel agent choosing the plane but not allowed to select my bed.
See pharmacist. She took info about my meds and told me what to take and not take before surgery. She said that a previous heart attack doesn't preclude me from taking Celebrex.
See nurse. She says to get the Celebrex prescription filled and take it for a week before surgery.
See anesthesetist. He talked about the surgery. They will be injecting cortisone in each of my knees during the surgery, which should give me some relief from the knee pain on the stairs.
Do blood work. She took lots of vials of blood.
X-ray hip and knees. The girl was only 20! So young to already be in the job!
Return to pre op assessment unit. (PAU). Tell them we went to all the places and did everything.
Go to other hospital. Take two hour training session.
It was an incredible amount of walking with my bad hip. I wished at times for the wheelchair.