May 30, 2016 16:52
I reclined on the back deck and made an update video. It was so pleasant out there in the shade. I brought the hose around and watered the dying geraniums. I should never have bought them! First they got frosted a few times, then the heat has been sucking all the moisture from the soil.
The tip ends of the elm tree branches are all over the deck. I imagine an animal is cutting them off, but I'm not sure if the Dutch Elm disease attacks them like that.
We went to church. I gave Lori and Stephanie a ride. I had the AC on in the car, even though I love the windows being open instead. The air had cooled overnight, but was so damp it wasn't pleasant. I'm so spoiled!
It was way too cold at church for my toes. I don't know why ac is usually on far cooler than the usual comfort zone around 70F.
I had something on my mind and prayed about it. All the talks and lessons at church were related. I saw the error of my ways. I'd rather do things the Lord's way, as I have light Joy and happiness when I do! My own way is just selfish and dark.
I dropped Lori off and went to Home Depot, even though it's a Sunday. I bought two of those air conditioners that stay in the middle of the room with a vent out the window.
Willem and Abe met me at the car and we set one up for Abe downstairs and one for us in our room.
When Dale is working upstairs in the new room, we can move one up there for him.
I'm glad it's overcast today. I used to be so content with the heat. But now since I've had heat stroke a few years ago, I feel sick whenever I get out in the heat.
We didn't go to see the family in Ottawa. It was just too hot to do anything but relax in the house once we had the air conditioners going.
I wish I had more energy to detrash the yard these days. The weather and me haven't been in much agreement lately.