Phones working, house tidy

Nov 02, 2015 20:52

I started the day with a plead to the Lord to help me know what I should do all day. I wasn't ready to be inside yet.

The phone man came to fix the wiring. He searched the whole house. Finally he realized that the problem was the phone in our bedroom.

Anyway, he fixed all of the phones that weren't working. I mean he moved one line from behind the bookcase and put in a new line into the dining room. That will be for the Internet.

Because the house was such a mess when the phone man came, I worked for hours on the dishes in the kitchen and the upstairs typing everything up. It really looks much better now.

I made a pot of soup, potatoes carrots celery soup potato onions. Willem was peeling the onions from his garden. They are quite small, but since he had puke them, I use them in the soup.

Willem and I went for a walk to the pond and back. My back was too bad to go over to the bridge. I was really in bad shape from standing all the time.

I spent the rest of the day watching death in paradise with Willem.

phone repairs, willem, cooking

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