
Jan 25, 2015 08:06

I went to bed early last night maybe about 10 so I woke up at 3:30. I guess I just don't need a lot of sleep. I was amazed when I opened my eyes and saw millions of stars so I got up. My iPod with my sky globe program on it, and tried to line up the sky with the stars that I recognized. I couldn't seem to figure out the program's pictures to match the sky, so I went into the other room and looked at the sky that I used to look at in the winter night. There was Leo my wonderful lion I love. So I tried to line up my iPod, but it didn't seem to be lining up there either! So after awhile I came back to bed and it worked on the side with the North Star.

It was hard to see what the names of the stars were. I miss having the constellations written out. Perhaps I should do this on my tablet. It would be bigger then.
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