Sep 27, 2014 16:34
I just wove another lawn chair with the free green straps from the lumberyard, so I'm ready to rest in the Treehouse loft over Willem's office. I love the lovely yellow leaves out this window! It's an amazing view!
Dale has been replacing the two side windows in the sunroom. It is going to be a much warmer room with proper windows in there! We have to rake out the insulation that is under the floor and replace it with Styrofoam. I hope I have enough of it!
The mice really had a lovely life in there. They had a hole in the wall and went right down into the foundation area.
I have been puttering around a lot, moving things to their spots, gathering up clumps of grass on the sidewalk, etc.
Dale needed some help, so Abe and Willem and I emptied out the sunroom and put it all into the greenhouse. I have to make sure none of it will get wet in there. Sigh.
chair weaving,
house repairs,