Aug 31, 2014 18:11
After much ado about how to figure out all the times of the people we had to take in one car to church, Abe called to say he wasn't going to go. Then Gina phoned to say she had her own car. Willem couldn't take his own car because he still wasn't allowed to drive after his cataract surgery.
It was wonderful to have Maryjane with us. So nice to introduce her to people and to have her to sit beside me.
After church we had a potluck farewell for the Jewkes who were leaving for home. He spoke in church, then taught in Sunday School. He is an excellent compelling teacher.
We came home after church and relaxed in our anti gravity chair and MJ in her rope swing seat. It was nice to just chill out. We stopped in at the recycle center at the dump just to see what was there. Linda had saved a pile of baby sleepers for me to have for Desmond.
In the evening we decided it might be best if I drove her home so she'd have tomorrow to get ready to go to work on Tuesday morning. We have had a great visit! We made videos on the way, since we had sortof forgotten to do that a bunch.
The highway was practically empty! We made good time getting to the halfway point, then sat in the car and visited. It was too buggy to have the windows open, though.
I got back home around 10:45; I was quite tired by then, too.
No picking up Abe
No picking up Gina