Feb 27, 2014 07:15
There are four deer in the side yard, the Hilltop Café is in business again. I filmed a bit with the handycam, but then decided I'd rather write about it all.
One is a swallowtail, but not the same one as before, it's got more quiet features, not so bold as the other one that sneaks in, his face pointing ahead of him as he comes and reaches for a bowl of feed.
These all have snow on them this morning. It's snowing with tiny flakes, but it isn't bothering the deer, they have their warm winter coats on.
Wow, tis one that just arrived, has thick eyebrows. It looks like Underbite! Yup, got that chunk out of his ear, too. The first and the last one here. She's pregnant, I reckon. She doesn't look as big as she did yesterday. she is friends with these others, though. Oh, there are five of them, she's the latecomer.
They must be able to see the light shining on my face, cos they are all a bit wary of me. She just tapped, half startled. the one in front of her, also dark eyebrows, outlined ears. What a lovely bunch of deer! herd.
I came down here around five this morning cos I couldn't sleep and because I wanted to spend some more time with the deer.
I think there are cars about, cos they were all looking that way a little while ago. Only two are eating at the moment. it's interesting how they stand watch off the hilltop. I've never seen them standing watch before, on other hilltops.
One that has lots of fur out of place on his back is staying off to the sides.
Underbite just spooked a moment ago. She's ow followed by Messy fur who must be her friend as they are side by side. I can't see the other two off to the right. I guess my glasses reflect and she can see my eyes when I move them. Messy fur, that is.
The two others are coming over now that those two, Messy Fur and Underbite have gone down to the spa to watch.
They left, then the other two eventually left. Neither of them had much to eat. One just stood watch all the time, I think. They did each come over for a bit.
You know, if I type a running tab of what's going on, I am much more accurate about what's happening. I suppose if I use my tripod I could do that with my camera at the same time!
deer watching,
deer feeding,
deer naming