Dot and Wolf return to the Hilltop Cafe by our glass bedroom door

Feb 26, 2014 07:37

I woke up and came right down to feed the deer. Dot and Wolf were watching skiddishly from a distance. I ducked my head and snuck over to my chair and sat down. I was filming an update. I showed them the deer, but didn't think about the deer seeing the illuminated ipod screen. oops.

They didn't bother to eat from the ground much, but left after a few minutes. I made sure everyone was gone, then donned my traction boots and stepped outside with my 2-gal pail of deer feed, a mix of corn and grain with molasses. I didn't have enough to fill all eight bowls, so I contented myself filling six of them.

I came back inside, got my laptop cord, some water, cameras and everything I'd need for observing and enjoying Hilltop Café. I sat with my black mittens, hoodie and laptop, writing in my journal, waiting for some action. I was quite surprised when ten minutes later deer appeared over the edge of the hill.

How cool, Wolf and Dot came back after I filled the containers! They had gone over to Bill's, then when I couldn't see them, I went out and filled the bowls. Six of them anyway. I didn't think they'd return till evening, so what a nice discovery when they returned ten minutes after I filled the bowls.

I like that Dot and Wolf are always together. It helps me keep track of personalities when they are in constant units. They are very skiddish, now that it's morning and they can see my face, even though I have my hoodie on over my hair and forehead.

I'm not filming them because I want to journal and because I want tp let the one that is uploading continue. Dot startles quickly. She and Wolf must be related as they both have lots of fur sticking out of their ears, but wolf has more.

Wolf is usualy on the right side of the group. He has a lot of marks on his shoulder, as if he has been hoofed a lot. His fur is very thick. He ate his fill and has now gone to stand guard off the edge of the hill. He looks so fat with all that fur. Wolf is a yearling, while I think Dot is a 2yo. She lifted her front left leg as if it hurt on the snow. She's not putting her weight on it as she stands.

The sun is still rising. Wolf's eyes are drooping as he stands watch, his tail tucked loosely. Dot's fur is thinner and lumpy. I pulled my leg back a bit, or just began to do so, and she scooted a few meters away, then came back.

Deer doze, but don't really eer sleep, the internet said. She's returning to finish the bowl she was working on before. I'm glad they came back so soon aftr I'd filled the feeders. I was surprised at how none of the prefious four that were here cared to eat what had fallen onto the snow. Silly deer!

Deer never make eye contact with one another, so making eye contact with me freaks them out. I try to lower my eyes when they are looking at me.

I appreciate getting to know these deer. I'm amazed at how they interact and relate to their environment. I'm amazed that there are so many deer here now. I haven't heard coyote packs here, ikely because we are so close to the highway, which is a blessing and a urse for the deer.

I should go over to Cheryl's and see how she's doing with the deer. It would be interesting to see which deer of mine are over there eating! She feeds them at 7:30 am an at 3:30 pm.

deer feeding, deer naming

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