Dec 28, 2013 10:43
I went up to Krogers to get some air filters and bird suet. However, when I got home I realized the filters were the wrong size. So I went back and returned it, but there wasn't the right size. So I went to lowe's where I finally found them, after much searching. I bought the whole case, cos I'm sure lori cant find them either. I changed the filter but havn'et put the suet in the feeder yet. I need to remove the chunk of butter that I put in there yesterday. I figured butter would work as well as suet.
I also bought a tray of pansies. i'll have to plant them into the containers I created last time with the geraniums in them. i'll do that later when mom's up.
She was up so early yesterday, I'm glad I was able to get groceries with Willem last night, and do all of these things this morning before she is up.
Mom has gained weight, too. She was so skinny when Daddy died. I'm so glad she's healthier now. Lori takes such incredible care of her.
I missed journaling for a couple of days, so I have to go back and see what I need to post.
I am far behind on journaling. I don't want to go on my computer when I'm sitting with mom, so I have been
ga dec 2013,