Nov 27, 2013 20:07
After our walk and all that shovelling, we came in and sat to relax. I began uploading all the videos of the morning and Willem went to play Sudoku.
Virginia phoned so I sat and put the spinning wheel bobbin back together. I had wood glued the bobbin side back on. After fiddling with the strings and disks, it felt good to feel the fleece between my fingers, spinning into yarn.
Later on, I threaded a few dozen more heddles, finishing one of the three hanks of measured warp threads. The next one wasn't un-crocheting properly, so I had to get it off the beam and hook it to a cupboard doorknob and draped it across the rooms. I fixed it and returned it to the loom where I threaded more heddles.
I had a nice visit with Mary on facetime, then with Jen. I went to throw mugs with Jen, but my iPod ran out of power, so I carried on alone.
I spent the next few hours in the sunroom at the wheel. I made six bowls, four larger teapots with proper lids and 8 small mugs. The mugs are like pot-bellied stoves. They are going to be good, I think. The bowls are good shapes, larger than some.
The teapot lids were easier to make now that I had figured them out in my mind ahead of time. I made them upside down, first making a hole in the center, then pulling out the inner ring that goes into the teapot, then pinching a flat ring which will sit on the teapot. A bit below the horizontal ring, I left an area where I can make a ball shape, then pinched it below that, removing it from the rest of the tower of clay.
I emerged from the sunroom at 5:30. I cooked up some dinner, adding shrimp to the chicken soup, along with peas, mushrooms and fiddleheads. Gumbo?
I did the dishes and cleared off the table. Willem came in and ate dinner with me at the little tall round table. We had bread and soup in my handmade bowls, on my hand-woven placemats. It was a great feeling.
I finished up the dishes after dinner. Willem swept the floor and I washed it.
Willem's been reading Harry Potter book 7 to me. Now he's reading the scriptures aloud to me.
It's going down to -10 tonight. I think that bodes well for having the snow on the trees for awhile longer, but badly for the footprints in the snow on the triaqua trail.