Oct 27, 2013 09:10
I'd loaded up the kiln and turned it on low with the lid propped open at 11pm.
I got up through the night to close the lid, then again to turn it up to medium, then at 5am I gave up sleeping and got up for good. The kiln was on high so it needed to be watched so it wouldn't over-fire.
The kiln setter went off, so I pushed the button and turned it back on and watched the cones begin to droop. When I finally turned it off, I wasn't sure the cones had gotten bent enough.
I would have left it longer, but we had to leave around 8:30 am to get to district conference on time. As it was, we were late and got there just as the children were practicing singing.
We sat on the bench just inside the door beside friends. It was another fabulous meeting!
district conference.,
bisque firing