all day in a nutshell

Jul 07, 2013 08:11

Went to town with Willem
Went to the bank, the dollar store, subway for my first meal since heat stroke, Canadian tire for dead plants, giant tiger for food, home again.

Dropped off Willem, went to the corner store for a fire permit for our campfires, to the dump for Christmas lights and teacups for the new posts, to Mera to the market to visit. Ian had awesome birdhouses for $35, waaaay too much for them, but oh well, guess they're worth it if someone buys them.

Went to the sheep to shawl at the museum, I think I was mistaken for a person in costume with my long skirt and hat. The little cabin was interesting. Still I wonder what exactly they did possess in those days and where they kept it all.

Went to the fair by 'taxi' wagon ride. Saw a drum maker, some old engines making the well pump water, etc. Inside I came upon all my weaving friends from Mera and sat and visited for awhile. I must start selling some of my weaving with theirs, then I can take turns with them at the shows. Now that Willem is retiring, being home on a Saturday is no longer important! Yippee!

Ross, who had been shearing sheep today, at three minutes a sheep or less, gave me four fleeces! I'm so grateful! I paid a lot of money for half that amount of fleece once! He said he has other fleece from other animals I can have. I'll have to go over to his farm and see. I want to try rendering lanolin from fleece. It should be very interesting, but also should be a very hot job, not a job for a hot summer day. Maybe in August when it cools off.

I came home and knew I had been out too long in the heat again. 31c and very high humidity. We hung out inside. I uploaded videos. I sewed mop yarn together. Willem read Harry Potter. We had steaks which we videoed cooking.

We went to the pond where the lights on were lovely while we swam. The water was warm a meter deep. Amazingly warm. Soak in the tub warm. Something stung my back while I was in the water. underwater even. I wonder if it attached to me above water and then stung as I went under. Willem said he saw a wasp on the water earlier. Very strange. nothing stings Underwater!

We didn't go to bed early again, must've been about midnight. I spent a very long time killing mosquitoes again. There are so many of them in the house these days.

dump, mosquitoes, videos, pioneer living, fleece, willem, mop yarn, fair, weavers, pond

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