Took Abe to Ottawa to study, church in POW.

Apr 21, 2013 14:33

I'm back. I went to Ottawa to take Abe home so he could study for his stat exam. I wanted him to be home in time to use the day, instead of getting there this evening.

I went to church in Ottawa after visiting with Ben and Tas and Abe for awhile. When I was almost home, Ben texted me to invite me for dinner. Too late for me to drive all the way back. I am not in such good health at the moment.

Falling the other day has taken a lot out of me. I went to the chiropractor right afterwards, but I'm so bruised and swollen and even off balance a bit. I wonder if I got a concussion, but I don't think so. I just don't feel right.

I want to go sit outside in the sunshine and play my vi9olin today, but the breeaze is just not my friend today. It's only about 6C...44F?. no, 42.

My concern agout my mom also drains my energy.

I think I am very overtired. I haven't done my yoga in three or four days an haent eaten a salad, maybe those things would make a difference.

Church in Ottawa was nice. I only stqyed for Sacrament meeting. I didn't wan tto stay there all day and have to come home late and miss spending time with Willem later. He'll be home late enough wi8th his clerking.

I called Mom, she's having a slow day today.She's waiting for her girl to come over, forgetting that it's Sunday and that she's only coming over for a short time today.

ben, healthy body, abe, church

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