Visiting with Alke

Sep 28, 2012 11:51

Sept. 28, 2012 Friday noon

It was so good to meet Alke, to be able to put a personality with a name and a face hidden behind a camera! She is so much like me! She gets an idea and makes lots of one thing and gets another idea and does that. She’s got Lots of tall tomatoes growing in her garden, which are all alongside the wall and growing straight up against the wall.

We had one of her peppers, which didn’t taste like any other sweet peppers I’d ever had. I liked the style of chairs in her back garden, they were low and square and fit right under the table so made the table look like a box, which keeps them dry, too.

She has a basket on her stairs that sits on one stair and is also on the next stair. I think Susan has one of them. It is made with a very thick piece of willow for the bottom structure to make an oval, then the straightside of the oval is bent upwards at the edges, upsetting, then it is woven as the flat side of the oval up to the height of a stair. From there it turns, the big thick one turns and laces over itself and creates the oval round side of the next layer. That level of the basket is also built up to the height of a stair. So one side of the basket is two steps tall and the other side is one step tall. It can’t stand up on the floor, but must be on the stairs.

She also has half circle rugs on the stairs, for each tread. The edge of the carpet bends around the edge of the tread, but doesn’t go on the riser.

She is also on revelry where Jen is. She is p;art of a group that pays $17e per month for a bag of dyed (won’t come out) roving for spinning. She has a collection of spinning wheels and even a loom. It’s an 8 harness loom.

She’s so similar to me! It’s so wonderful to know that, to meet her and see that we are near the same age, well, I’m older, but whatever! She says I’m doing something very wonderful for many people. She wanted to meet people who were also spinners, so she took her spinning wheel to the farmers market and spun. Then people came up to her and said they spin too! She decided that since people just don’t talk about if they spin or not, that she would do that to start the conversations! What a good idea! I guess when I sit and make baskets in Ottawa by the river, I’m doing that, too, hoping that maybe I’ll meet another basketmaker!

She had a little neclkade that was made of heart shaped soap, seashells, pieces of white driftwood and dark driftwood. It was a lovely decoration on her wall and she gave it to me! Wow. She also gave me a white hat that is foldable and a beautiful scarf that she knitted with a very difficult lovely pattern, and some hand spun yarn out of the same colours for me to make something to put on my hat to go along with my shawl! Just lovely. I am so blessed to be a part of her life. She’s so much different than I thought in her emails. She’s german but living in Holland and so speaking Dutch and all that!

She also saves her dog fur when she shaves him to add it to some wool to spin it! She’s so crafty and finds incredible bargains, spinning wheels for free or for fifteen dollars, a drum carder for fifteen euros! Or was it for free? Amazing deals she has gotten from people who do’t realize the value of things because they don’t use them! If I took my spinning wheel to the market, no one would buy my soap, they would just watch me spin, like they do when I make baskets while I’m there!
Alke’s stairs are so steep, three sets of them, I guess. It was so much fun to be there in her world, surrounded by the projects she does. She said that the soap she has is my fault because I showed her how to do it!

She showed me the computer where I live! So strange to have me out of the computer and right there in her room! LOL. I love getting to know these wonderful people who watch my videos! Josette, Caroline, Alke and in a few minutes, Harriet! She’s excited we are coming, too!

She even has spinning and weaving books and harry potter! She eats green smooties for breakfast! She offered us Carrot juice from /germany when we were there! After mine own heart!

nancytoday friends, alke, holland 2012

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