Jun 28, 2012 12:01
- Wed, 12:41: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/7zy9xOQO campfire
- Wed, 15:19: Yes, I suppose I could. Abe did. (@ YouTube http://t.co/EiWzfE7j)
- Wed, 15:57: visit from church folks http://t.co/gykxEGMw
- Wed, 16:08: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/Dg7WEau9 Idea
- Wed, 16:46: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/2KYfQAE1 Nancy Today: Evening campfire in the glass tipi
- Wed, 16:58: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/UEkRbAqc At the pond
- Wed, 17:24: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/p2axNBux Happy birthday
- Wed, 18:51: I'm so glad you were here with me! Important to have company! (@ YouTube http://t.co/JVR1jLyM)
- Wed, 19:35: it's so lovely! (@ YouTube http://t.co/dcyhn1Bq)
- Wed, 20:28: I'm so glad you could come! (@ YouTube http://t.co/2KYfQAE1)
- Wed, 20:30: Are you going to make something like that, too? (@ YouTube http://t.co/Dg7WEau9)
- Wed, 20:36: Yes, a dromedary with one hump. True camels have two. (@ YouTube http://t.co/i3tLtMPA)
- Wed, 20:37: Isn't she awesome! (@ YouTube http://t.co/gwB2LxnP)
- Wed, 20:51: Yes, that's a better choice! (@ YouTube http://t.co/9zHMzqwE)
- Wed, 20:55: He goes out and comes back in! (@ YouTube http://t.co/7GxtInI0)
- Wed, 20:56: I'll keep your number close so I can phone you to cry for help! (@ YouTube http://t.co/7GxtInI0)
- Wed, 20:58: I just left it on the table for a few days. Later I usually leave it on a big (@ YouTube http://t.co/vlBcjnpc)
- Wed, 20:59: We had it dug about 18 days ago. I have lots of videos of it, but the uploadin (@ YouTube http://t.co/lsZYVmg7)
- Wed, 21:00: I don't think so. We're in Canada and not in a town. (@ YouTube http://t.co/lsZYVmg7)
- Wed, 22:42: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/pDqL83fX Nancy Today: Willem and Tanner