Jun 08, 2012 08:10
Okay, I have just returned from Mera. I cut the shoots on the front of the largest basketry willow plants, the ones that get in the way for the market later. They are in the car, ready for me to plant them down at the new pond. I will strip off the leaves and cut them in half, then plant them in the wet soil where I can harvest them easily. The soil is gravely sandy with some loam, but not the stuff that made the canary grass grow so tall and take over every bit of ground possible!
I searched for things in the greenhouse. I found my watershoes in the huge plastic shoe container, also my teva sandals. I found the allen keys for the swing, but couldn't find a second s hook, search the laundry baskets of hardware storage, though I did!
It's clouded over now. I do hope that doesn't mean it's going to be cold and rainy all day. It's not storm clouds, but those nondescript blanketed whiteness.
I stopped on the road to see the pond as I drove up. It looks like it's risen some more overnight, closing the gap on the pit-run face of one side of the pond! Last night it was already covering one terrace of the entrance side.
I need to take down the flat shovel, too, so I can take the corner off the end of the road. I wish I'd had Kyle do more with the road on his way out.
I should also plant some beebalm down there. It loves to have wet feet.
new pond,