Apr 04, 2012 07:42
I found a site to help me with Mom. It gives quetions and lets them pinpoint her illness. Then it gives in point form info about the characteristic and how to cope with it. It's a very good site. I already do most of what it said, but it is good to see what is the alzheimers talking. I see that she can't 'snap out' of the poor me attitude. Most of the time she is okay. Thank heavens. But she is quiet quite a lot now.
She is motivated to sort paperwork things out, though. I gave her crocheting to work on the other day and she did it. I also gave her some mending and she worked on that, too.
We had a lovely time sitting outside last night watching the birds while she was mending. Jonna came over and we discussed what needs to be done around the house. She'd going to come over mon-wed and do some deep cleaning for two hours a day. Perhaps we can whip this home into shape!
georgia apr 2012,