Jan 17, 2012 19:05
- Пн, 20:50: @ polkadot865 I'm glad to find all this out, thanks everyone! (@ YouTube http://t.co/UTiLezof)
- Пн, 20:51: @ kokonutbaby1 It's my son's brand new home! No nicks, scratches, nuthin! (@ YouTube http://t.co/uFCcGGOd)
- Пн, 20:52: @ polkadot865 Nope, it's Ben's home. Have you seen them all? There are playlis (@ YouTube http://t.co/uFCcGGOd)
- Пн, 20:52: @ nellene66 I'm trying to do better recording now. Course, you won't see them f (@ YouTube http://t.co/uFCcGGOd)
- Пн, 20:55: @ 9mmprincess Yup, I use a knife! (@ YouTube http://t.co/Gdq5IBPO)
- Пн, 20:58: @ 9mmprincess you're very welcome. It keeps it warm and lets it cure just overn (@ YouTube http://t.co/S84rQsfP)
- Пн, 20:58: @ NancyToday at least I think it does cure overnight. maybe not. (@ YouTube http://t.co/S84rQsfP)
- Пн, 20:59: @ 9mmprincess Yes, that's best, then it doesn't burn the milk. (@ YouTube http://t.co/ZBQDnKJJ)
- Пн, 21:00: @ 9mmprincess No, I only added colour a few times. (@ YouTube http://t.co/ZBQDnKJJ)
- Пн, 21:00: @ polkadot865 You're welcome! (@ YouTube http://t.co/uIvXNNfb)
- Пн, 21:01: @ Animalkisser Thanks! (@ YouTube http://t.co/h89eTalU)
- Пн, 21:02: @ PoleContortionist Same here! (@ YouTube http://t.co/Kh7rBSVQ)
- Пн, 21:02: @ swissmiss2584 Smiling ear to ear, here! If you find a loom and a book or use (@ YouTube http://t.co/8DFFOgFr)
- Пн, 21:07: @ happyheart42 I left home and have been visiting with wonderful friends...takin (@ YouTube http://t.co/Y3gQ9wMh)
- Пн, 21:08: Wow! Norway looks like Ontario! (@ YouTube http://t.co/Ls08jCtc)
- Пн, 21:09: Is this near home? (@ YouTube http://t.co/g6QY7Oov)
- Пн, 21:13: Such an incredible place, tell me about this. Are those spruce trees? Look li (@ YouTube http://t.co/vaIBdDaf)
- Пн, 21:22: @ ourrepurposedlives It's so nice this is helpful! (@ YouTube http://t.co/CuC5fKCu)
- Пн, 21:23: @ ourrepurposedlives I may...if I have any advice to give. What did you have in (@ YouTube http://t.co/LGlraU7Q)
- Пн, 21:24: @ SoulsurferWhit32 I love your peaceful woods and stream! Did you get some snow (@ YouTube http://t.co/LGlraU7Q)
- Пн, 21:24: @ ourrepurposedlives Good point. (@ YouTube http://t.co/RZUPdMLJ)
- Пн, 22:19: @ ourrepurposedlives LOL! Looks like it was a busy day. (@ YouTube http://t.co/AtvGDx6v)
- Пн, 22:22: @ nellene66 I did put them in waterproof containers. I have it so neat and tidy (@ YouTube http://t.co/6F3PzlOS)
- Пн, 22:25: @ jrsmtavm1 I did have a great new year! Thanks. I wish I had just a touch of (@ YouTube http://t.co/7hZecqrD)
- Пн, 22:30: @ BillyJoeIam That sounds wonderful! I did love having that 'day bed' in there, (@ YouTube http://t.co/89PWsV1P)
- Пн, 22:31: @ lgm2626 Twins! (@ YouTube http://t.co/89PWsV1P)
- Пн, 22:53: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/tp4EpiKA Nancy Today: Decluttering the house
- Пн, 23:37: @ PoleContortionist Same here! (@ YouTube http://t.co/Kh7rBSVQ)
- Вт, 00:08: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/7hdIUo2o NancyToday's webcam video January 16, 2012 09:00 PM
- Вт, 00:20: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/X9G6J1FL NancyToday's webcam video January 16, 2012 09:08 PM
- Вт, 01:03: Funny old people stuff http://t.co/ZimeAI4A
- Вт, 01:30: In case you think God can't use imperfect people like you... http://t.co/o9NgRzZj
- Вт, 01:41: I love you bunches and bunches Beth! Guess what...my weight did change over Ch (@ YouTube http://t.co/CZp58efx)
- Вт, 01:42: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/TvVXDfCg Nancy Today: Nicole's present
- Вт, 02:19: @ ourrepurposedlives Yes, it would work well! (@ YouTube http://t.co/b05XGMTe)
- Вт, 02:21: @ ourrepurposedlives Just use canola or other cheap oil, some water, some lye an (@ YouTube http://t.co/ZkcvKAzx)
- Вт, 02:22: @ ourrepurposedlives Interesting! I thought it only got rid of rust. (@ YouTube http://t.co/lQ5JFfZe)
- Вт, 02:23: @ Chrishaak84 For time? (@ YouTube http://t.co/5yyg4DGg)
- Вт, 02:23: @ eliluc09 LOL! It was a lot of fun to make! (@ YouTube http://t.co/5yyg4DGg)
- Вт, 02:28: @ thinkpinkjmf There was a lot in this video, eh! (@ YouTube http://t.co/3PpgNlIg)
- Вт, 02:29: @ ourrepurposedlives It climbed back into the crack in the woodwork where it had (@ YouTube http://t.co/DJN6Q3Da)
- Вт, 02:34: @ ellasgodmother I took it back to the store, it was angled wrong so it made me (@ YouTube http://t.co/x4dGFGTg)
- Вт, 02:46: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/gyprZT55 Nancy Today: Walking in Winter Wonderland
- Вт, 10:52: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/hayd8xJo NancyToday's webcam video January 17, 2012 07:47 AM
- Вт, 15:03: I uploaded a @ YouTube video http://t.co/UDxhz2jy NancyToday's webcam video January 17, 2012 11:55 AM
- Вт, 15:24: ARe those places near your home? (@ YouTube http://t.co/xyCmsfle)
- Вт, 15:30: @ keshav88da Yup! It's perfect! (@ YouTube http://t.co/nFLcSMCQ)
- Вт, 15:31: @ foziatou if you have the icing sugar you can. If you have a blender you can m (@ YouTube http://t.co/nFLcSMCQ)
- Вт, 15:32: @ TheBelleSac I can? But I don't know anything! (@ YouTube http://t.co/nFLcSMCQ)
- Вт, 15:32: @ mapoleon11 You're welcome! (@ YouTube http://t.co/nFLcSMCQ)