Emptied soap making stuff out and other chores

Jun 06, 2011 05:29

Monday June 6, 2011
5 am

I got up early and mowed the bit of grass near the wood that Abe had moved away for me. I moved the junk on a table and put the white shelf out by the other table; I put the soap molds full of soap on it.

I brought in all the stuff from the car which I’d had in there for Dickinson Days; crock pots went on the outside refrigerator to fill with rain and wash out, fragrances and oils went in the sunroom, etc.

I put the dishes away and emptied the two molds in the house which had never hardened after all these months; I put the soap in an ice cream container and washed out the mold and put it away.

I did two loads of laundry. By the time Willem got up, I’d done a morning’s worth of work. I needed to go drive Willem into Ottawa today cos of his gout in his driving foot.

willem gout, housework, soapmaking

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