May 26, 2011 11:15
I was so tired after getting up early and journaling. I went back to bed around 7 and slept till 8. Abey missed the bus. I was going along with Willem so he woudln't have to walk to the car to move it twice in the day. It's a long walk. His gout in his foot was bad again.
I was so sleepy, but I drove us into Ottawa, took him to work, then sat there in the parking lot reading my gourds book. It was very interesting.
It was raining, or I'd have gone to sit at the picnic table in the large side yard by his highrise office building.
I phoned Ben to see about going to lunch with him. It was too early to go over to Quebec to see him, so I went to Home Depot, the source of all my woodworking happiness!
I asked about oscillating sanders and about the various chop saws. I decided on one of them. Then so I could get $25 off my purchase, I let him apply for a credit card for me. What a great savings. I won't use the card, though.
I walked around looking at the dremmel woodburning ends, but didn't see any that I was interested in.
I looked for the pictureframe hardware, but didn't find that, either. I also looked at other stuff here and there.
I bought a package of buttercup squash seeds and a pack of climbing bean seeds.