Mar 20, 2011 09:06
Saturday, March-19-2011
5:41 pm
I had the most wonderful time in the temple. I was awake for both sessions.
After the second session I sat in the celestial room, carried away in the spirit. I talked to my Heavenly Father about many things, including people I needed to pray for.
I felt overwhelmed with gratitude for my many blessings. When I opened my eyes, again the room was aglow with the brilliant yellow light that is usually invisible to me. It made me want to continue to pray.
The brilliance, which I suppose is the glory of the Presence of the Lord which fills that room, is the most wonderful, permeating, warm, comforting, accepting feeling that exists to me.
My thoughts drifted about, away from the Work of the Lord to my worldly pursuits, making baskets, working on pottery, the books I’ve ordered and bought to fill my library with the information I need to have to best learn and teach these skills…as my mind wandered to those things, I noticed how the room became grey and felt cold. It was a marvel to me.
As I pondered upon the things of the Lord, however, the brilliance returned the room to yellow brightness. When it had first become grey, I marvelled at it, that the lights had been turned down and that the heat had been turned down. I missed the brightness, but had continued on those physical world thoughts. They weren’t dark or evil thoughts, but were just focused on the things of the earth.
` was a very interesting learning process. I have had these experiences before, but never for as long. I understood more things about it this time, too.
I had noticed that when I breathed in I couldn’t see the light so well as when I breathed out, or when I blinked. I had thought that the light was a result of my body, but now I think that when I don’t see it, when I blink or breathe, it’s because my body is inhibiting my view of spiritual things. It’s not the other way around. The spiritual light is alredy in that room, a flame of fire. It’s only when I’m in tune that I can perceive it, however.
I suppose when the body is exhalted and glorified, those limitations will no longer plague it.