Jan 24, 2010 09:35
I just set my eee to upload four videos from sitting by the window waiting for the deer yesterday morning. I'm back in place again this morning. I'm in Daddy's spot looking into the dense underbrush.
It's just started raining har. I'm amazed at how quickly the wheelbarrow fills up with rain!
My dentures hurt again, on the inside bottom of my right side of the partial. I put some denture cream on the inside of the partial, just on the side where it won't affect my healing. If I push it from the outside, it comes away from the inside by my tongue.
It hurts to swallow my saliva. Actually, its hurting all the time now. I wonder, now that the back six teeth are gone, the front eight which are quite crowded together might start to move slightly to give themselves some room, thus making the partial not fit anymore.
I guess I'll be heading back to Anderson on Monday again. It sure doesn't take long before they don't fit right anymore. Once a week average visits to get them adjusted really means I need to live here for a few months.