Oct 30, 2009 19:59
I forgot what there is to do in life except push the button to see the next episode of Earl. Humph.
So I asked Willem who was sitting beside me on the couch in our old room/Abey's computer room upstairs.
We didn't see Abey here. And we heard no noise downstairs. He was 'getting that stupid grease off' he says now as he is back here sitting down. it was my homemade vicks. Humph.
I remember long long ago when I used to go into every room and tidy every last little bit up, fluffing pillows and whatnot. Those were many long years ago. I think there is not one single little corner of the house that looks like that anymore.
So I asked Willem what there was to do when i wasn't pushing the button for the next episode of Earl.
He said, canoeing, kayaking and some other stuff I forgot as soon as he said them I guess.
I smell chicken now cos it's done. All baked in the oven. Abey's got some.
Willem's down there playing the piano again. I want to go to bed but it's too early again.
healthy body,