Sep 28, 2008 09:15
Sunday, September 28, 2008
9:15 am
We are listening to cbc which is having a discussion of the last week in the USA. There have been huge losses on wall street and the market is appearing to crash. Or perhaps it is crashing. I think this is the bubble popping. Growth couldn’t be sustained forever.
I am curious what will happen after the crash. I wonder if that means that war will come next? Is this the beginning of the end? When the US can no longer prop up Israel and be at war with so much of the muslim world.
Do you bail out the wealthy top dogs? If they are what keep corporations afloat which make jobs for the rest of the country, then perhaps it’s good to bail them out. But what does that do to confidence? Do people then know that the markets aren’t very good and not invest anymore?
I don’t understand a lot of this. I do know that there are more enemies of America now than ever before. I know that china has a lot to lose if the US economy goes down.
What about a modern day new deal? Pouring money into the infrastructure.
There are to many bad debts out there, I guess. People are in danger of losing their jobs.
If the rescue passes, the chance of a meltdown moves from 55% to 20%. It’s a crisis of trust. Need regulations that people trust.
Everything going up. People who have lots of debts that have used their houses to shore up their needs as a mini-bank. But now that isn’t happening. I wonder what will happen to my friends on LJ?
I should find out what happened on the debate.
No matter what happens, I will still have my family. I have to shut off the outward flow of money and pay off ever last cent of our debt. 139 economists are against this rescue. But if we have ten years of depression followed by war, then any amount of money thrown at this is worth it.
Bush put $700 billion into the problem to shore it up. In 1866 the big bank fell somewhere. We have no experience with bank failures.
Roosevelt shut down the banks to avoid a run. We are not in the middle of a run because they just shored up by this shoreup.
Stand back and let the market correct itself. Every farmer will go bankrupt. They are still paying people to plow under their crops when there is a surplus.
Wall street are over caffeinated kids got greedy. 2003 was the beginning of the problem.