relaxing on the steep 3-Birches hillside

Sep 11, 2008 16:41

Thursday, September 11, 2008
4:41 PM

I have moved to the hammock on the steep slope of the hillside. It’s very nice out herer in the treetops almost. Well,not really. These trees are so muich higher than the other ones at the house. They must be forty or fifty feet high.

The leaves are so perfect, all lyinjg flat in their various planes over my head. There are no birds anymore. There’s a bit of cooness in the air. But the sun is quite warm. It’s acting like autumn outside now. I hadn’t realy noticed that. I guess the days and weeks race by so quickly that I can easily miss it all if I’m not careful.

Today I have checked in with some of my friends, Cindy in Indy, Dee, Sue. I was going to phone mary but I haven’t done that for awhile. I was also going to phone Tiscvh and tell her that I got that application she wanted.

I jhave to get some soap figured out to my friends at church on my birthday this Sunday. That will be very nice I think.

I love rocking in this hammock. It’s so nice in here. I lover looking through these leaves as they move gently in the wind.

I wonder if Dee has a hammock. If she doesn’t then I should give her one! It’s so important to have a hammock to \lie in all year long.

I saw a lot of blackbirds flocking a few weeks ago wehnt eh dcorn was in tassle. They do that every year. I suppose they really gather to eat the grains and then when they migrate, they are already all together.

I hope they all go south this winter. They have stayed for a few years.

Perhsp that is because it has been so mild in the winter.+

hammock, three birches hillside

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