Sunday, July 6, 2008
9:16 PM
The boys got me into Stargate Atlantis again. I’ve been out of it for a few years, I guess. So I’m watching the fourth season from the beginning, although I think I've seen a lot of these already.
I must admit, they are riveting!
9:38 PM
Indeed, I can’t even type and watch at the same time! Smile.
I should really do something about my spirituality. I’ll go read some scriptures online.
Okay, done.
9:57 PM
The boys came down to sit in the living room for a few minutes. So I went in and read them the first part of Alma 5, which has all those questions. They had to go get something to eat as they always do when we do family scriptures, but they all returned and we knelt on the wooden floor together to say family prayer. That was good, even though they were chomping at the bit to leave!
I know we will be blessed for our diligence and obedience.