planted marsh marigolds, closed in the back of the tipi

May 13, 2008 08:00

May 13, 2008
8 am

The birds are close and a red squirrel ran up the pole.

I put two alder poles into the wide opening of the tipi on the side toward the stream. I planted two marsh marigold plants at the base of the corner back pole and the left middle alder pole. The branches will allow the birds to rest in them.

I have three little bird houses. I put one upon a pole the right back pole or the wrens.

The red squirrel is eating the sunflower seeds from the Book of Mormon he’s wrecked.

The inside of my left knee is awful!

I love my woven walls in here!

I will eat some cattail shoots when I get hungry today.

Also across the stream is the balsam fir pitch.

The red squirrel is exploring our new home. All the branches I put up for him to run along!

Perhaps that pitch will relieve the pain in my leg back!

I can carry my laptop back to the house on that golf club carrier.

A second red squirrel came along to explore but #1 ran down from his explorations of the poles, the basket in the center and the flag ole and attacked him.

Wove two bird houses into Jim’s returned with his bus.

There is so much bird song going on around me.

Songsparrows, chipping sparrow, chickadee, bluejay, common yellowthroat, great crested flycatcher.

I carefully moved my knee camp around and the pain in the back of my let stopped.

sedge meadow nature observatory

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