This film destroyed me.
“Do you ever feel cheated?”
The question rings across the room, stretches and fills it from ceiling to floor and makes breathing feel like drawing cement into his lungs. Nymphadora looks back at him, and sighs.
“Out of the life we’d hoped for.” She stares ahead, unseeing. She strokes their baby’s cheek with the backs of her fingers. “Out of time.”
Remus closes his eyes. He feels every cell in his body condemn him for the life he’s thieved from her. But he is a selfish man. He won’t give her up again. Not even for the promise of her safety through the maelstrom to come.
“Sometimes I have to fight to remember what it felt like. Before it was robbed from us,” she says. Her shoulders bear the weight of war, and the sleeping child cradled in her arms. Finally her hollow eyes meet his, and all he can do is cross the room to hold her. To try and fill her emptiness with what little that he has left to give. He cups her cheek with his palm and his wife turns her face into his hand, and kisses the ring on his finger.