Time to clear out the cobwebs

Oct 24, 2006 23:03

With NaNoWriMo just a week away, this will probably be the last (only?) commentable entry until December.

Once again:

My character is a Mary Sue (though in this case, I don't think it's as bad. The world prefers Over The Top characters)
My Plot is Cliched (Or semi-ripped off from Memoirs of a Geisha, though I actually had some of the basics worked out well before I ever read Memoirs)
I abuse the English Language horribly, especially spelling.

Editing is for December!

Plot outline is not going to be published this time, as I don't especially have one. It's also totally non publishable (unless White Wolf wants it) because it's technically "Fan fiction" (well, I call it "GameFic" for fiction set in RPG worlds). It's an extended, expanded and re-written character background for my Exalted Character done as a Memoir written to remind her that once she was a mere mortal, and maybe identify what parts of that Mere Mortal were why the Unconquered Sun chose her for Exaltation.

In one week, I begin writing "Sun in Sapphire"
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