theres no place like home

Jun 01, 2005 20:46

boy big 'ol trip is over and i have to return to the real world with my familia y yo hit the road on friday and stopped at my grandmothers house. we spent the night there and a dog peed on rachels bed. saturday morning we left for san francisco. we stopped at a gas station for gas and across the street was a jack in the box so we went there to eat. i said "ill use the bathroom at jack in the box, it must be cleaner then the one at the gas station"..boy was i wrong...then i got to drive 98 miles an hour from a rest stop to a resturant while my mom and sister established "cop watch" to keep from getting us pulled over. we arrived at my dads store around 5, ate candy and then went on to the hotel. and incredibly overpriced place where parking cost 18 dollars a day and the vallet stole my gum. we went to this great resturant on the water and then went swimming. sunday we walked around the incredibly asain neighborhood which stunk like fish although it had really great food. my mom and dad went on to the indian neighborhood and my sister and i went back to the hotel for swimming. that night at nine i turned on the television only to discover that the fox channel we got was an imposter and diddnt show family we ordered a pay per view movie. monday was a bbq. we went to my uncles house and my aunt snuck me drinks and what do you know 4 hours later i was drunk. we played dominoes...which is my game..and i won ten bucks..heh...then we went to a different hotel across the street from my dads store. tuesday we went to my daddys store and hung out and stole furnature someone left there. then we went to the jelly belly factory, took a tour, bought 15 dollars worth of belly flops and then went back to the hotel to rest up. today we went home. we stopped at pea soup andersons for lunch..yumm...and i got to drive all the way from santa nella to los angeles..which was roughly 5 hours. i even drove through rush hour la traffic thats hard core...after that we went to my grandmas and she took us out to eat at applebeas and i had to sit next to my fat gross cousin who decided to eat the most discusing way possible and when i ordered a choclate malt she said "dont you know how much fat is in that" and i said "do i care" and then her mom said "dont preech" and she said "but im supposed to preech"..damn christian scum..anyway now im home and sleepy and i get to sleep on a normal unstained mattress woo hoo ...
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