Misbehaving at the Snyder Farmhouse

Apr 28, 2012 00:03

Title: Misbehaving at the Snyder Farmhouse
Author: nancygrew
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT
Notes: Written for Fun Fic Friday for the prompt "Let's Misbehave" on LURE_ATWT. Takes place early March 2011. You don't have to read my other fic in order to get this one.
Rating: G
Summary: Emma freaks Luke out.

As Luke drove up the driveway to the Snyder farm, he decided that it was possible, that maybe, perhaps Reid had a point when he had suggested that it was detrimental to Luke’s well-being when he had agreed to help his dad out with the horses while Holden and Lily were off on long weekend rekindling their love. Again. Well, Reid had actually voiced his insights into Luke’s complicated relationship with his parents by comparing Luke trying to ‘be there’ for his folks to Neville Chamberlain appeasing Hitler by allowing the Nazis to have the Sudetenland. Sometimes Reid’s insights were annoying.

Luke sighed. It wasn’t even noon yet and he was exhausted. He had gotten up before dawn so that he could drive out to the farm and muck out the stalls. He then had driven to Oakdale U to attend one of the business classes he was attending. Then he had driven to the Foundation to go over some proposals. Now he was headed out to the farm in order to exercise a couple of the horses. Then when that was done, he had to head out to Grimaldi Shipping to prevent any attempted coups. For some reason, most of the attempted coups occurred on Fridays.

He had recently briefly considered getting someone to take over the foundation but he didn’t think he’d be able to trust someone else enough to let them take over the reins.

He parked the car and headed into the farmhouse so that he could change into some riding clothes. He didn’t see Grandma Emma in the kitchen so he wandered into the living room. He halted when he saw her. She was lying on the couch and reading old gossip magazines. She was wearing a pair of orange pajamas that were covered with white roses that Faith had gotten her last Christmas along with the fuzzy pink slippers that Natalie had gotten her last Christmas. It wasn’t the sartorial choices that had startled Luke. It was the fact that Grandma Emma, the hardest working woman in the farm biz, was laying about in her pajamas at eleven o’clock in the morning.

“Grandma?” asked Luke hesitantly.

Emma looked up. “Hi, Luke. Are you headed out to the stables?”

“Yes. Are you feeling alright?”

“Hmmm? Oh, I just felt like being lazy today,” replied Emma.

Since Emma had never previously displayed any desire to be lazy in her entire life, Luke felt his stomach tie up in knots. What if she was sick? He attempted to nonchalantly brush a lock of her hair from her forehead in an attempt to stealthily take her temperature. Given her look of amusement, his attempt wasn’t as stealthy as he had hoped.

“I’m not sick,” smiled Emma. “Stop your fussin’.”

“Okay, then,” said Luke. He kissed her on the forehead in an attempt to get a more accurate reading on her temperature. It seemed normal. “I’m going to go change and then go exercise Stinking Bishop and Yorkshire Blue.

Luke hurried up the stairs. He called Reid on his cell-phone. Fortunately, Reid had the day off due to having had to work a lot of extra hours during the past two weeks and was at home.

“Did you call me for phone sex?” asked Reid as he picked up the phone.

“This is Bob,” said Luke in a deep voice. “I’m just using Luke’s phone. And yes. Yes, I did call for phone sex.”

“Gross. So very, very gross,” muttered Reid. “What do you want, Snyder?”

“Can you come over and check out my Grandma?” asked Luke.

“What’s wrong?”

“She’s lying about in her pajamas,” answered Luke.


“It’s out of character for her,” whispered Luke. “It’s scary and I think she might be ill even though she denies it.”

“Is her speech slurred? Does she have a fever?”

“No,” admitted Luke. “But she’s lying about in her pajamas. In the middle of the day.”

“And that’s got you worried?” asked Reid incredulously. “Maybe she was up drinking all night and is just hangover.”

“So funny,” said Luke. “Look, Grandma Emma doesn’t play hooky from farm chores. It’s out of character. It’d be like Grandmother Lucinda all of a sudden deciding to start flying coach.”

Reid sighed. “I’ll be right there.”

“Good. I’ll be with the horses. She’s stubborn so she’s gonna be mad that I called you. But I’d rather her be mad at me than her be sick and not have you check her out.”

Luke changed and went downstairs. He stopped in the living room. “Grandma, do you need anything before I go check on the horses?”

Emma looked up from her ancient copy of Confidential. “I’m good. Have fun with the horses.”

Luke headed to the stables to take care of Yorkshire Blue and Stinking Bishop. He had decided that he’d exercise the other horses tomorrow after doing his homework but before heading into Grimaldi Shipping for a few hours.

After riding the horses and wiping them down, Luke headed back to the farmhouse. He was relieved to see Reid’s car in the driveway. He hoped that Grandma Emma was okay. And not too ticked off over his calling Reid over to check on her.

Luke entered the living room to discover that Grandma was still on the couch reading about old celebrity gossip. Reid was sitting in a chair wearing a pair of pale green pajamas and reading a yellowed copy of Tattler.

Reid looked up at Luke’s entrance. “Did you know that Eddie Fisher left America’s sweetheart, Debbie Reynolds, to shack up with Elizabeth Taylor.”

Emma, without glancing up, said, “It’ll never last.”

“Now, you have me yearning to peek ahead at future issues to see what happens,” said Reid dryly.

“So, how is everything?” asked Luke nervously.

Emma raised an eyebrow at her grandson. “I’m fine, young man. I didn’t need you to harass your young man to come check up on me.”

Luke scratched his ear. “You’ve had a lot to deal with lately and I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I didn’t realize that my taking a day off was going to traumatize you,” smiled Emma gently.

“I’m not traumatized,” said Luke stoutly. “Just because you’re doing something completely unexpected and without precedent isn’t freaking me out at all. I’m easy-going. Yep, my nickname on the streets is Easy-Going Luke.”

Reid snorted. “Yep, the Mean Streets of Oakdale.”

“Reid was going to have a lazy day himself today,” said Emma. “And since my sweet, if silly grandson, called him over here to fuss at me, he’s going to hang out here. We’re gonna be lazy together.”

“I prefer to think of us as misbehaving together,” said Reid while flipping through the pages of the magazine he was holding. “Did you know that Liberace might be gay?”

Luke narrowed his eyes at Reid. “Are those Aaron’s pajamas that you’re wearing?”

Reid shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t know. They were in the drawer of the guestroom that we used when we stayed here that week that your parents were off sexing one another up.”

Luke shivered. “I’m sure they just cuddle.”

Emma snorted.

“By the way, Em, have I told you how awesome it is that you let Luke and me share a room when we stayed here to housesit while you were in D.C. and Holden was off making wild monkey love to his woman?” asked Reid gleefully.

“Cuddling,” interjected Luke.

“Yes, you have told me that it was awesome,” replied Emma. “I could have done without each of my middle-aged children calling me to whine about the situation. Did you really have to get Carly to call each of them to let them know that I was making an exception for you and Luke regarding my rules about no unmarried couples sharing a room?”

“You’ve met him, right?” asked Luke.

“Bunch of crybabies,” said Reid with a grin.

Emma laid aside her magazine. “Did I tell you that I ran into Chris Hughes a few days after I got back from D.C. and he tattled to me about the two of you having sex here while I was out of town?”

“We just cuddled,” lied Luke without hesitation.

Emma snorted.

“That man is a worm. Marrying him is the biggest mistake Katie has ever made,” said Reid.

“It may be but you have got to stop telling her that every single time you see her,” huffed Luke in frustration.

“I’m still not clear on why Katie, Chris and Jacob were staying here that week with you guys,” said Emma.

“Katie’s place needed fumigation,” grumbled Reid. “I think Katie wanted to stay here instead of the Hughes’ so that she’d have a good excuse not to share a room with Chris. She was having second thoughts about the relationship at the time. When they found out that Luke and I were sharing a room with your blessing, Chris wanted her to call you to get permission for them to share a room. She refused. It was funny.”

“I wouldn’t have given them permission,” sniffed Emma.

“On account of them being far less awesome a pair than Luke and myself?” asked Reid.

“Sure,” said Emma. “Plus the fact that Chris Hughes slept with my grandson Aaron’s fiancée. He truly is a worm.”

Luke scratched his ear. First, he discovered Grandma Emma lazing about in her pajamas in the middle of the day. Now, she was gossiping? It was pure, unadulterated madness.

“What did you tell him when he ratted me and Luke out?” asked Reid.

“I completely turned the conversation around into him being homophobic and that some scientific studies indicate that homophobia is rampant in closeted homosexuals,” replied Emma breezily as she flipped pages of the gossip magazine she was reading. “Hey, did you know that Ingrid Bergman has left her husband for an Italian director?”

“It’ll never last,” replied Reid.

“Reid, thank you for coming over to check on Grandma,” said Luke.

“You’re welcome,” replied Reid.

“Do you think you could change out of my brother’s pajamas now?”

Reid glanced over at Luke to see that he was standing with his arms crossed over his chest. Reid hooted. “Really? You’re jealous of me wearing your straight brother’s pajamas?”

“Not jealous,” sniffed Luke.

“Jealous, jealous, jealous,” sang Reid.

‘Huh. I’m not the jealous one in this relationship,” said Luke. “You’re the one who quit your job when you saw me having a conversation with my ex-boyfriend.”

“La, la, la,” sang Reid while holding his fingers in his ears.

“So glad that you’re proving to my Grandma that I’m the mature one in our relationship,” grinned Luke.

“Puh-leaze,” harrumphed Reid. “Emma isn’t senile enough to think of you as the mature one in our relationship.”

“There’s no doubt in my mind that the two of you have the same maturity level,” said Emma.

“Don’t you have to get back to work?” Reid asked Luke.

“Yeah, I’m gonna go change,” said Luke. “I’m going to lay out a pair of my pajamas that you can change into.”

Luke ignored Reid’s laugh as he went upstairs. He showered and put on a suit.

When Luke came back downstairs, he stopped in the living room to say goodbye to his grandmother and boyfriend. Fortunately Reid had changed into a pair of Luke’s pajamas. Unfortunately, Reid and Emma were eating red vines and cookies.

“Did you guys eat anything healthy for lunch?” asked Luke, ignoring the fact that he was sounding like the grown up of the group.

“Nope,” said Emma gleefully.

“Okay, I can roll with you having a lazy day with my workaholic boyfriend,” said Luke. “But the lack of a nutritional lunch is freaking me out. I’m making you two something healthy to eat before I head out. What do you want?”

“Oooh, can you make us a frittata?” asked Reid.

“Sure,” said Luke. He tried not to be insulted by the look of disbelief on his grandma’s face.

Reid shrugged at Emma. “He still can’t make a grilled cheese without burning it but he can make a fancy pants frittata like nobody’s business.”

Luke headed out to the kitchen to prepare lunch for the couch potatoes. He sighed as he heard them discussing Robert Mitchum’s arrest for smoking the demon weed. Hopefully, the universe would right itself by tomorrow.

character: emma snyder, !author|artist: nancygrew, genre: family, character: luke snyder, fan fiction, as the world turns, character: reid oliver, rating: g, pairing: luke/reid

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