Allison and Noah Comment fic

Dec 30, 2011 01:09

Title: Allison and Noah Comment fic
Author: nancygrew
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT
Notes: Takes place during episode aired April 15, 2010. Originally written as Comment Fic on Noah_Who.
Summary: Noah and Allsion have a conversation after Noah speaks to Luke on the phone.

Noah hung up the phone after speaking with Luke. He took another sip of his decaf coffee. No cream. No sugar. Real men drink it black. Noah had been surprised to discover that Luke had secretly gone to Dallas with Dr. Oliver. He understood that Luke probably couldn’t have done anything other than sneakily pushing his way into the case in order to try to help Dr. Oliver keep his medical license. That’s just the way that Luke showed his love for Noah. Always pushing and demanding. Intrusive and suffocating. And, oftentimes, sweet. Luke’s love was a big, slobbering, untrained St. Bernard who tracked mud all over the carpeting and knocked over vases. He was grateful for the way Luke loved him. Really. Most of the time. It’s just that Luke’s love has always been a double-edged sword. Yes, it got Dr. Oliver to Oakdale so that he could save Noah’s sight. But Luke’s shoving his way into Reid’s hearing could backfire. If he managed to anger Dr. Oliver in his usual fashion, Dr. Oliver might still decide to not operate on Noah.

“Thinking big thoughts?” asked Alison as she sat down beside him.

“Luke’s with Dr. Oliver,” said Noah.

“Luke and Darth Oliver are involved?” asked a shocked Alison. “When did this happen?”

Noah laughed. “No, not like that. Gross. Luke must have demanded that Dr. Oliver let him accompany him to Dallas for his medical hearing. He probably blackmailed him. Anyway, Luke’s probably just annoying Dr. Oliver by being underfoot trying, and failing, to be helpful.”

“It’s very sweet that Luke’s trying to help Dr. Oliver,” said Alison.

“Well, he’s doing it for my sake, not for Dr. Oliver’s sake,” answered Noah.

“Does Luke know about you and Richard?” asked Alison.

“What do you mean?” asked Noah before taking another sip of his coffee.

“I was still home when Richard left the apartment this morning, Noah,” answered Alison. “I know that he’s more than just a friend.”

“Luke and I are broke up,” said Noah. “I’m not doing anything wrong.”

“If Luke finds out that you’re dating someone else, you may lose Luke for good,” warned Alison.

“That might not be such a bad thing,” huffed Noah.

“I thought that you loved him,” said Alison.

“I do. I do,” said Noah. “But right now, I need my space from him and he’s just going to have to understand that. I have enough on my plate.”

“Luke’s going through a lot, too,” said Alison. “Damian’s in prison, Luke’s been put in charge of a shipping company, he's running his Foundation. He could probably use a friend right now. Even if you don’t feel up to being Luke’s boyfriend any more, you could still help ease his burden by offering a shoulder.”

“Look, I’ve spent years taking care of Luke,” said Noah. “But I just can’t do it right now. He has to learn to stand on his own two feet just as much as I do. It's the best thing for both of us.”

“I’d really thought that you and Luke were going to make it,” sighed Alison. “It makes me sad that you’re not going to get back together.”

“Well, we might get back together if I get my sight back,” said Noah. “Maybe.”

fan fiction, character: allison stewart, as the world turns, character: noah mayer, !author|artist: nancygrew, warning: noah-bashing, rating: g

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