Noah and Allison Comment Fic

Dec 30, 2011 01:02

Title: Noah and Allison Comment Fic
Author: nancygrew
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT
Notes: Originally written as comment fic for Noah_Who. Takes place during the episode aired April 28, 2010.
Summary: Noah and Allison have a conversation after Noah and Luke speak on the phone.

Noah hung up his cell phone and took a sip of his coffee. He wondered if he should have asked Luke to have Dr. Oliver call him back so that Noah could ask him some final questions about the surgery. Dr. Oliver had already explained everything to him, slowly using words of two syllables or less, but Noah was scared and he really wanted to speak to Dr. Oliver. He wanted Dr. Oliver to tell him to stop being a scaredy cat. He wanted Dr. Oliver to tell him that he, Noah Mayer, had the best neurosurgeon in all of Time and Space and everything was going to be fine. He wanted Dr. Oliver to tell him that he wasn’t going to die on the operating table, unloved and unmourned.

“What up, roomie?” asked Alison as she sat across from Noah.

“I just talked to Luke,” said Noah.

“That’s great! I’m so glad you two are speaking,” said Alison.

“Well, I didn’t call Luke,” admitted Noah. “Dr. Oliver flew back to Oakdale today and I called him. Luke picked up his phone.”

“Are you positive that Luke and the Anti-Bob aren’t an item?” asked Alison suspiciously.

“Positive,” said Noah. “Anyway, my surgery is scheduled for tomorrow---”

Alison squealed as though ‘surgery’ was code for Justin Bieber and ‘is scheduled for tomorrow’ was code for wants to sex you up and then make you a sandwich. “That’s amazing, Noah! You’re going to get your sight back.”

“Yeah, either that or die on the operating table.”

“Hey, you’re going to be fine,” assured Alison. “There’s a reason why Dr. Mean is the most egotistical man on the planet. He really is as good as he tells everyone he is. I’m going to call Gretchen and see if she can switch days off with me so that I can come to the hospital with you tomorrow.”

“That’s nice . . .but I think Luke’s the one that I need to be there for me,” said Noah.

“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Noah,” sighed Alison.

“Luke loves me. If he knows that I’m scared, he’ll want to be there for me,” said Noah.

“Is it fair to ask him, though? You’ve been pushing him away for a long time, Noah. It might be a little unkind to make him think that he’s the one you need to support you when you’re not even sure that you want to get back together with him,” said Alison. “I can be there for you. Or what about Richard? Or Lily?”

“No,” said Noah. “I need Luke. He’ll understand that I can’t make any promises about our future. He’ll understand that I need him to be sitting in the waiting room for me while I’m in surgery. If Luke’s there waiting for me, I know I’ll be alright.”

“What if he isn’t willing to be your support system any more? After all, you haven’t been a part of his support system for a long time.”

“I’ve been kind of busy being blind, Alison,” huffed Noah.

“What? Blind people are exempt from having to be kind to the people who love them?” asked Alison.

“That’s not fair,” said Noah. “I’ve done nothing but be honest with Luke. And I know that Luke’s going to want to be there for me. I’m more familiar with his many faults than anyone else but I know that Luke’s the kind of guy who’s not going to turn his back on somebody he’s still in love with.”

Alison sighed. “For your sake, I hope that Luke’s willing to ignore the fact that you’ve been very clear on not wanting him around you. I’ve got to get back to the hospital. I’ll catch up with you later tonight at home.”

After Alison left, Noah began to worry. What if Luke refused to help him through the surgery? What if Luke had given up on him?

fan fiction, character: allison stewart, as the world turns, character: noah mayer, !author|artist: nancygrew, warning: noah-bashing, rating: g

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