Title: Reid and Natalie Eat Ice Cream
Author: nancygrew
Notes: Written for Noah_who comment fic but moved it over here to as it fits into my Universe. Takes place November 2010
Disclaimer: Characters belong to ATWT
Rating: G -
Summary: Reid and Natalie are hanging out
Reid and Natalie were sitting in the newly opened ice cream parlor in Old Town. Natalie was working her way through a huge banana split. Reid was devouring a sundae the size of his head. There was no conversation at the moment because they were both far more interested in their food than in each other.
Natalie was the one to notice that Bob Hughes had walked into the place.
“Dr. Bob!” called Natalie. “Come sit with me and Reid.”
Bob smiled and joined them at the table. He had barely sat down when a waitress had appeared and taken his order for a low-fat yogurt. Bob ignored Reid’s muttered, “Low-fat? Why even bother with dessert then?”
“How are you enjoying retirement? Is your golf game improving?” asked Natalie.
“I’m loving retirement but my golf game doesn’t seem to be improving at all,” replied Bob. “Maybe I should get you to teach me soccer instead. I hear that you were the star of the last game.”
“If by ‘star’ you mean that I didn’t fall on my face even once, then yes I was a star,” grinned Natalie.
“When did the two of you become so chummy?” grunted Reid after he had finally demolished his dessert.
“Dr. Bob and I are tight,” answered Natalie non-chalantly. “He delivered me, you know.”
“Of course he did,” sighed Reid. “There weren’t any ob-gyns on duty?”
“Mom didn’t make it to the hospital in time,” said Natalie. “Dr. Bob and his family was at our house singing Christmas carols when Mom went into labor.”
“And Luke was born on a kitchen floor. Did your mom ever make it to the hospital when she delivered any of her whelps?”
“She was in the hospital when she delivered Ethan,” said Natalie.
“I’m impressed she finally learned to go to the hospital when in labor.”
“Well, she was in a coma at the time because she had fallen down the stairs,” advised Natalie.
Reid had no idea of what to say to that.
Bob patted Reid on the arm.