Jul 07, 2006 18:30
went to target with the kids this morning.
(i bought:
heather's birthday presents
jack some underwear
jack an outfit
marcel some underwear
mary some onesies
me some diet dr. p
a popcorn and a coke to share when we were done),
and on the way i saw a couple cop cars hassling this black dude, who was standing with the cops in the middle of the street, in the "turn only" lane. he wearing a plain (and rather large) red t-shirt. and i had to slow down cause the cars in front of me did, which gave me some time to stare.
mmm, i thought, he's pretty fine. damn. but you could tell he wasn't looking too hot. his hair was all mussed up, medium length, pointing every which way. but it was real cute, too, but not cute, cause he was getting hassled by the 5.0, not a situation where you wanna look all like you just rolled outta bed (and very possibly smoked a bowl, right?). i felt it for him in a way that made me feel white guilt, like he would resent me for feeling it for him.
so all these thoughts happened while i drove slowly listening to country music with my kids and staring at this fine man. so he stuck out a little, for whatever reason.
but what psychs me out, okay?, is i get to target, and there's all these people wearing red shirts, naturally, right? cause that's that target uniform. but as i shop, i see people in red shirts and notice that they're not necessarily uniform shirts, and some don't have name tags, and they all seem to be accompanied by blue jeans, and who works here? and then i see a dude with a giant buggy full of shit, obviously to stock shelves not to buy, and he's wearing a plaid shirt and a name tag! oh god, who works here? (i am an imaginative person who plays these kinds of games in my head all the time.)
so i'm walking down an aisle and i see two black dudes, and oh my god, they are both wearing red t-shirts, but they have a hot ghetto look too, right, one is wearing a do-rag, and the other one? OH MY GOD! is that HIM? the dude getting hassled by the police? and i stare and stare, trying to tell if it's him, and i swear it is him. how i know is he looks kinda like the dude in that madonna video, "like a prayer" (my first black crush by the way). and then they see me staring and they stare back. and jack is in the front of the buggy, and mary is konked out in the back part of the buggy, and kathleen is pushing, and me and these two men stare at each other. and it was pyschadelic, man.
and then i kept seeing red shirts all over the place. it was crazy. totally crazy.