ladybug (nancy/ned, pg)

Mar 22, 2015 18:02

Title: ladybug (three stories in a series)
Author: ndnickerson
Universe: post-canon for Mystery Stories, modern setting
Pairing/Characters: Nancy Drew/Ned Nickerson, Bess Marvin
Word Count: ~1000 per story
Rating: PG
Summary/Prompt:Nancy and Ned and their daughter Elizabeth - including two OTP-specific prompts.
Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue.
Spoilers: Some mild spoilers for Clue in the Diary in the first story.
Warnings: None. All fluff.

ladybug at my writing journal
fly away home at my writing journal
birthday at my writing journal

series on AO3

nancy/ned, pg, ladybug, ned, nancy

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