Jun 09, 2007 20:43
I am a definite blogger, just not on here... not at all... welp someti9mes one HAS to have a private blog.... this isn't it b/c I kinda HATE lj. I've been on Xanga since 2002 and my LIFE is archived there.
I have since moved to Myspace b/c my regular xanga readers turned out to be pretty assholeish... at least the ones I used to work with... and I could care less if they burn in hell. In face I'm sure that they will with the way they treated me... those on Xanga and also those I worked with not on xanga.
So. I just felt I should post on here... I was reading my back entries I can't believe it's been Soooooooooooo long since I posted. Actually I went through and erased parts of my life on here... the YEAR of posts concerning the DEVIL.
It was all for good b/c the longer I work at Castle, the more I forget about all the awful things at my other job. I actually have a FRIEND at my work... which is exciting... not those posers at The Paper that would invite me to "eat dinner" with them just so they could put in 5 bucks and I"d pick up the rest AND pick it up for them...
But you know how nice I am and I guess in an effort to Stop the constant barrge of paper clips into my cubicle, or the stealing of my desk supplies and pens, and breaking my photo frame with the FU ball made of tape and paper, and a paperclip center.
I really like Cali... I like having a roomie... even though she sometimes gets on my nerves, life is generally good. I really wish that some of my old friends whom I don't really talk to anymore would clear the air, I think it's silly to just stop talking to somebody. We used to be mutually helpful, and civil and have lots of fun. But maybe he was just a character for that act of my life... now I have lots of actors in my life haha... they're all waiters at Islands.
On another note, I"m like on summer vacation after June... then I might go back to Islands for a few MOnths... then quit again... then back.
I like the extra money, but I can't work 7 days a week for more than 4 months.
Been working there since January and I took ONE weekend off. Ahh well. My delimma lies in the fact that once I don't work there I don't think they'll even talk to me anymore and I have a guy that I like there... Todd will talk to me I'm sure, but the rest I don't know.
I'm attempting to get to know them outside of work, So far I've hung out with Todd and LAcy twice outside of work... and Mel too!
I saw Micaela (Bff of Diego) at her other job... we visited a bit it was nice... I tipped her very well. and I'm going to see Dane's show...a nd t his is super good since he attends poker night where Diego happens to hang out on Thursday nights. I am totally going to do Karaoke at her other job a co uple of weeks from now when my voice recovers from Bronchitis.
Thanks to Myspace I found my song and pulled up the lyrics and have been taping myself on my cell phone and playing it back... it's weird to listen to a r4ecording of yourself, but it's coming along good. I sould like I"m hitting the notes better on the recording than in my own head when I'm first singing.
Check out my Myspace to see the song I"m singing... When the Stars go Blue by Tim McGraw.. it's short and totally in my range... and I like it! www.myspace.com/thegreatestmj
later peeps.