Normally, I do these in my main LJ, but other than the Yuletide stories I've written, everything has been under this handle this year.
16 full-length fics
42 commentfics and request fills (mostly porn, ~200-1500 words) +2 under my regular handle
21 independent drabbles and a 23 drabble collection
1 cracky coauthored thing
and 4
Yuletide and
fandom_stocking stories (so far)
That ... would explain where all my free time went this year. *facepalm*
My favorite story this year (of my own):
Like I Am Whole Again. I am literally unable to be sad when I play with this set of characters, and this was my love letter to the storyverse.
My best story this year:
Madrigal dei Traditori. Part of me will always be a little heartbroken knowing I'm never going to write anything quite like that again.
Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: I suspect "Brief December" is going to be the winner of this one, because right before Christmas is about the worst time to post something new (she says, considering years past). Otherwise, nothing. This is the first big fandom I've been a part of since I fell off the Trek bandwagon in *mumble mumble year* so the level of interest and participation are enormously larger than in my previous hangouts. Yay?
Most fun story: One word:
Muppets. I blame
wynkat1313 and
Most sexy story: OMG I have written SO MUCH PORN this year.
The Fourth Night was what really got the ball rolling, and I think it's still the sexiest, though Strays is close.
Story with single sexiest moment:
Supply Run.
Story with single sweetest moment: Yuletide. :)
Most unintentionally *telling* story: No clue.
"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story:
The Little One Stops. I am still not sure why I de-anoned on this, aside from my enormous ego.
Hardest story to write:
The Roots of the Quadratic. I loved telling it, but it sat there staring at me for ages. Honorable mention to the second Space Pirates story.
Easiest story to write:
The Charm's Wound Up, which went from "I already wrote a Halloween story and I'm not writing another one," to "and now I'm ready to post" in about two hours. I sat on it overnight entirely to get the 31st as the posting date.
Easiest character to write: Alice.
Hardest character to write: River. OMG, I love the character like pie but I had the worst time trying to nail her voice.
Favorite character to write: Jack and Ianto. I enjoy writing the other characters, and have a blast with them, but I'm in this fandom for the 'ship.
This year's theme and the story that demonstrates it most: The only theme I can find to any of this year's stuff is "Nancy likes writing to prompts and for fests. A lot." So I'll point to
Twenty-Three Short Films.
Also, I'd like to send a special shout-out and thank you to everyone who's lent a hand betaing for me this past year. You all have been fantastic, and I've learned so much from working with you. This past year wouldn't have been the same without the little catches and the big discussions, and I thank you. :)