Nov 11, 2010 13:44

Rabbit Hole Mums Story
Story: *is randomly present tense*
Lisa: *is emo*
Me: *is clearly projecting*
Jackie: No, I'm not going to cooperate. Why should I?
Me: It'd be helpful!

Cyberwoman AU:
Lisa&Ianto: We cannot even believe you wrote this.
Me: *edits liek whoa*

Space Pirates 2
Title: *is starting to push the "math joke" thing pretty hard*
Ianto: I've been in handcuffs for two months. Any time you want to finish this would be good with me.
OC: *is enigmatic and stereotypical and needs development*
Me: You're all being very unhelpful.
Ianto: Handcuffs. Did I mention?
Jack: *perks up*
Me: Plot! Plot first. Then porn. If you're good.
Jack: Hooray!
OC: Bored now. *wanders off*
Me: Get back here! I need you!

Space Pirates 3:
Ending: *has been rewritten three four times*
Rest of story: *is not actually written yet*
Jack: Can there be porn in this one?
OC: My eyes!
Me: *facepalm*

Kyle&Tony story:
Kyle: So, we're naked.
Tony: Yay!
Me: This was supposed to be pure porn. Of course you're naked.
Kyle: Except we've been naked since June.
Tony: I like naked. Naked is good.
Kyle: It's November. It's getting cold out.
Me: I've been working on this one. Really.
Kyle: Still naked.
Lisa&Jackie: You'll catch your death like that.
Me: Shoo! Go back to your story!

Secret Project RX:
Tosh: *is snarky about toaster ovens*
Ianto: *is equally snarky about toaster-oven-related things*
Story: You wrote all the funny lines already, didn't you?
Me: … Yes?
Story: Which is why you haven't touched me in over a month.
Me: *grumble*

Dragon Story:
Jack: *gets eaten by dragons a lot*
Ianto: *mopes about Jack getting eaten by dragons*
Owen: *is tired of this shit, and snarky*
Rhiannon: *is unexpectedly BAMF*
Story: I am only 2000 words from done.
Me: Yay!
Story: I've been sitting since September.
Me: I have until January. You can wait.
SJA: *is unexpectedly useful*
Me: Thanks!

Rose&Handy Come Visit the Rabbit Hole story:
Plot B: *has been cannibalized*
Plot C: *has been cannibalized*
Plot A: *did not make a lot of sense to begin with*
Handy: *is wondering wtf happened to the timeline*
Rose: *is perky and preggers*
Martha: *is kinda emo*
Jack: *is very emo*
Mickey: *is with Jack on this one*
Tosh, Ianto & Lisa: *are going to smack the shit out of Jack and Mickey*
Me: If we just had a plot that made sense, this would be a lot more entertaining.

Dick&Babs story:
D&B: We'll do anything. Naked is good.
Tony: Yay naked!
Me: Shut up, you're not in this one.
D&B: Srsly, find us a damn plot already.

David&Fox story:
Story: *continues to try to be an OT3*
Puck: I'm good with that.
Dick&Babs: We could hang out in this plot. You wrote a crossover before.
Me: *facepalms*

The Great Lucy Caper:
Lucy: I get to be in this one, right?
Mickey: I get to do stuff in this one, right?
Rest of cast: You're actually going to figure out the rest of the plot for this one, right?
Me: Working on it.

Fake Third Season Finale:
Ending: *is written*
Plot: *is mostly plotted* *is not written*
Characters: *continue to do things I am wtfing about*
Me: *wonders how many more mini-stories are going to spin out first*

Kyle: Does anyone have any spare pants?

And then Yuletide is coming. Oh good.

humor, meme

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