May 02, 2006 01:15
So I was called on spontaneously again to give my thoughts as to whether or not I believed the 1st Parachute Regiment had been fired upon before the guys lost their minds (apparently) and started firing into a crowd of protestors in my Modern Ireland class. Granted, Bloody Sunday is what my research paper is about, but that doesn't mean I want to be called upon in class to give my opinions on the topic. One on one with the professor, that's fine, to a class full of people who I've never spoken to? Not so much. As retaliation, I now retract my offer to give the professor a 24 pack of Guiness instead of my research paper. Bad professor, no beer for you.
Actually it's probably better for me. Although I'm sure he'd like the Guiness, he probably wants the assignment he gave out at the beginning of the semester more. And I'm not sure what the University's policy is on students giving alcohol to's probably frowned upon.