Dark Heresy is good for my soullll~

Jun 03, 2010 14:44

So, a bunch of us (by which I mean six of us are playing) have been playing Warhammer 40K's pencil-and-paper RPG. And our characters just keep getting funnier and funnier and the crack is blatent.
 Our team goes as follows:
Captain Cain Reaper: Our GM's former character that has survived two campaigns. He's a former Guardsman and has killed his former Inquisitor for corruption. Twice. Yes, really. His Ordos is Malleus, and he's our current Inquisitor. What fun shall ensue from here? 8D Well, it turns out that Cain is a wannabe womanizer with a thing for blondes and pirates, he habitually blows up his favorite bar on Helios 3 because of shenanigans, and has told the Grand Inquisitor that "you're being a dick!" more than once.
Brother Lieutenant Ulysses: That's right, we got a Space Marine. He's our medic. He was a survivor of the last campaign, and so was dragged into this one. I'm pretty sure his Ordos is Hereticus -- he's a Dark Angel that permanently joined the Death Watchers. He also is known to grab the newbies to the crew, put strong liquor in front of them, and drink them under the table. This has happened to pretty much everyone. We are all fine with that, I assure you. 
Corporal Nami: Sole survivor of one of her planets, which got an Exterminatus to the face (literally), Nami just turned 15 within the last couple "months" of this current campaign. She is a latent psyker, but is also the pilot to the Steel Talon. the new psyker is giving her some lessons to help control her abilities, thankfully. As a 15-year-old little girl, Nami likes Mauraders, ice cream, bunnies, ponies, and most importantly, giving the boys a run for their money.
Sergeant Lieutenant Vivian: Our team's astropath that had also taken assassin training...and hates paperwork. A lot. She's on the wrong ship for this, then, because she is also our acting adept, and between the Captain, Ulysses, and Legion, she has so much paperwork on her plate that she never gets a chance to be finished with it. She is perfectly fine, however, with taking a break to join Adrian for dinner. After all, Adrian's got a bunch of dirty money that needs spent.
Tech Priest Legion Lenexus: A Mars-born tech priest who had been trained personally by Lord Lichtus since he was three years old. Legion is a talented young tech priest who had not only been at the top of his class, but been able to interface with a Titan as a junior tech priest and is still alive to tell the tale. Legion also excels at strategy, building walkers, researching data, getting the crew into trouble, mad science, creeping the crew out, and tentacle rape. He is currently being monitored to see if he is up for a Magos position.
Corporal Adrian: A Hive-born ganger who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up conscripted. Since then, Adrian had taken to the Inquisition like a duck to water and has proven to be one of the sharpest eyes in the Imperium. Adrian is fully dedicated to the Captain and crew for saving him from himself and had taken the Captain's offer of training him as a guardsman and scout. Since then, Adrian has caught the eye of the Vindicare assassins, and has been told he will be taken.
Regulator Adam Garret: One of the two survivors of Thaddius 12, Adam had been a promising Arbitrator born on Thaddius 6 and stationed on 12 with his childhood friend, Jenny. Adam was the most intelligent member of the Arbitrators, and was promoted unofficially so that he could have the power to have his voice heard. After the initial shock of the Exterminatus wore off, Adam had been happy to make himself useful, and since then has befriended Adrian, Nami, and Janelle. Oh, and he killed a Greater Demon by shooting it in the balls.
Miss Janelle Norton: the other survivor of Thaddius 12, though she didn't seem to care much. Janelle was the personal assassin of the governor, and is so bad at her job that she is amazing at it. She had managed to waltz on board the Steel Talon, infiltrate effortlessly, and proceeded to forget who she was supposed to kill. Not long later, Janelle is conscripted by the Captain and since then the unresolved sexual tension has been killing Adrian and Adam.
Vinial Eisan: The newest member of the crew is a psyker who had survived a Warp Burn on his ship and as such is obsessed with the fear that he can instill in others. He is a little naive and a little crazy, but at the same time, no one can blame him thanks to his ship and the chaos it fell to. However, this doesn't mean that he is trusted: the only reason that he was allowed in the crew was because he was the perfect scapegoat if something happened and Nami unleashed her abilities.  

And if this wasn't enough to show you the crack...
There are running gags....some of which make no sense unless you were there.
1. "Heretics to the right, we can handle those...bugs to the left...fuck that."
2. "becoming one with the table" and Adrian's acute fear of broken tables.
3. "You fucked a bug. Your argument is invalid."
4. Legion's a tentacle monster.
5. Legion is a caffeine addict and will every so often scream "EFFICIENT!" and proceed to do a billion things at once.
6. Adam and Adrian's bantering will always include "Adrian, you can't drive."
7. The Captain's crush on Janelle.
8. if drinking occurs, Adrian WILL wake up naked in Vivian's bed.
On that note... 9. Unless stated otherwise, Vivian is mad at Adrian.
10. The Captain and Ulysses are idiots. This shows.
Sooooo....worth it to draw out/write out a comic based on our shenanigans?

rpgs, dark heresy, real life

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