Random Rants: The Sixth Thing At Christmas That's Such A Pain To Me...

Nov 26, 2009 19:54

**rubs temples**

You know...

You have to love it when your boyfriend's mother calls you disabled, claims it's obvious you have issues (Okay, catching me talking to myself might be a hint) and you should go on SSI, calls you lazy, claims you don't want to work, and uses you for an excuse why her son won't give her $60 to per her laptop payment....

...is totally and utterly praising your cooking.

Really. She has nothing but nice things to say about my cooking abilities. Even when my back is turned and she has the perfect opportunity to cuss up a storm about me.

I want her to know that this is MY house. Not hers. Therefor, insulting me in my own home is a punishable offense. Now, if only her son would get over his Mother Complex. **headdesk**

Kate, thank you for listening to me do nothing but bitch all holiday season. Through my depression and bouts of mania, you listen. I love you for it.

Sorry folks, but it's schizophrenia, not schizoid. I care very deeply what you all have to say about my issues. I'm schizophrenic. My people skills need working on thanks to being emotionally neglected for at least 15 years and sometimes leading to physical abuse. I'm a suicidal wreck during depressive phases. Come on. I'll take you all on on this subject. If you're not ballsy enough to say it to my face, don't say it at all. And if I cook you dinner two nights in a row and you only have nice things to say about my cooking, dammit, admit that I'm not disable. Look around my house, note how clean it is, and call me lazy. That's it. I dare you.

thanksgiving, random rants, real life

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