Novel Dreams

Oct 11, 2011 22:33

So today I asked the oracle "how many words in a book?" It's a question I have asked before, both to myself and to other friends who wrote. The question arose from the fact that I have been working on the same word document, which was only supposed to span the time period of a summer, for a little over two years now, not religiously mind you. The oracle responded with the answer "A "short novel" is typically considered to be between 40000 and 65000 or 75000 words. Most novels, however run between 90000 and 120000". I read that, then opened my document. 128,692 words, most of which are mine, some of it quoted song lyrics, and all of it in some sort of state of rambling. But broken up, tied together, and following a blueprint, I think I have enough material with the addition of some new text, to develop two, perhaps even three novels.

And I'm going to do it. I was mulling over the results of my inquiry to the oracle this morning while standing on the bus on the way to school, and writing myself short notes about format and ideas into my phone while trying to not lose my balance between short stops and starts, and I knew then and there that I am going to do it. I envisioned the first scene of the first novel, I even think I know what the last sentence is going to be. It's going to be some fiction, and real life soul searching strung between anecdotal narrative. It won't be anything ground breaking, but I think that they will be novels that real people can relate to, and maybe, can learn from.

Realistically it is not going to start with much intensity until this semester is over in December, and school is done for me for a while, at which time I can concentrate on it whole heartedly. But starting in January it is going to start to come together, and I am finally going to do it, and I am excited. And nervous. And hopeful. But determined, and convinced that I can do it. I just hope that I follow through on it.
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